Users are now able to download selected records on both desktop and mobile. This sets up the framework for batch actions across the platform (such as updating and deleting records). This feature is especially handy when you need to export a specific subset of records after conducting searches or applying filters.
With integration to Plants of the World Online (POWO) for vascular plants and Catalogue of Life (COL) for non-vascular plants, our community can now access shared taxonomic data seamlessly. This allows users to utilise shared factual data, reducing the burden of individual input and maintenance, whilst making taxonomic referencing more efficient.
Two new fields have been added to taxon records, allowing you to record a taxon description and natural distribution. The interpretation fields can be enabled/disabled from the Organisation settings page.
When downloading your taxa or plant material lists, the interpretation fields will be included – therefore helping you to create interpretation labels from your data.
Personalise your account by uploading your own profile picture, by navigating to the profile settings page. Admins can also upload custom logos for their organisation within the organisation Settings page.
Enable mass planting as an alternative to quantity for your plant materials. You can also filter and sort by mass planted materials in your list and map views.
You can now add other base map layers or your own custom map layer to Hortis. Easily set a tile URL and a name to your custom map, and use the preview function to visualise and ensure its accuracy. Switch to the new layer whilst browsing the map or positioning of your materials. For more information on XYZ maps, head to this link.
IPEN numbers can now be recorded and filtered on the accession. This has been introduced as an "opt-in" field (along with Tag Number), with easy toggle controls for these fields in your Collection Site Settings.
With the new opt-in toggles, you can now choose to hide fields and inputs that are not relevant to your site's specific requirements. This customisation reduces clutter and ensures a more intuitive user experience for sites that do not utilise IPEN numbers or Tag Numbers.
Admins now have the ability to deactivate users to prevent access to their organisation. Admins can also reactivate a deactivated user's account. Any deactivated users will be visually indicated throughout the app.
Previously, tags were limited to individual record types, restricting list and map search results to the specific record type where the tag was applied. Now, filter results will show tags applied from all levels, providing a more interconnected view of your plant records.
For example, filtering for a tag applied to a taxon will return the associated accessions and plant materials. Filtering for a tag applied to an accession will return the associated plant materials.
Admins can now create new collection sites from the Settings or Sites page. Whether you manage multiple gardens or facilities, each site can now be easily created and configured with a few clicks.