
Newsletter: September 2023

Waheed Arshad, PhD
October 2nd, 2023
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As the seasons shift, our commitment to enhancing your experience in Hortis remains unchanged. In September, we introduced two big features, shared higher ranking taxonomy and interpretation fields, that have a huge impact on the community. Read more about these below.

Shared higher ranking taxonomy

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We’ve now integrated Hortis with Plants of the World Online (POWO) for vascular plants and Catalogue of Life (COL) for non-vascular plants. This integration allows you to seamlessly access shared taxonomic data, reducing the workload of individual data entry and maintenance while streamlining your taxonomic referencing.

Shared taxonomy ensures that all users have access to the same taxonomic backbone. It also ensures data integrity as users can choose from a shared list of genera, reducing the chances of typos and inconsistencies in data entry.

Introducing shared taxonomy for higher ranks in the first phase is undoubtedly a significant step forward, but the journey doesn't end there. Expanding this to include species taxonomy and lower ranks is our next step. Relying on a shared backbone facilitates collaborative data exchange between institutions and improves the quality of your data capture.

Interpretation Fields for Taxa

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Creating plant labels? We've introduced two new fields for taxon records to help you record information to suit your interpretation needs. These fields can be enabled via the Organisation settings page. When you download your taxa or plant material lists, the Taxon Description and Natural Distribution fields will be included, empowering you to create interpretation labels directly from your data in Hortis.

With the upcoming species level taxonomy from POWO, native distribution will be included. The interpretation fields are used to adapt the distribution details for label printing.

To access a complete list of all the updates, visit the Release Notes page.

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