Service-level agreement

Last updated: 2020–10–23

Hortis is a software service provided with a committed availability of 99%. If we ever fall short of this commitment, affected customers will be eligible to receive a Service Credit to make up for any disruption.


This is the measure of time Hortis is unavailable to our customers. Downtime is calculated on a monthly basis. Downtime includes:

  • Faults preventing registered users from logging into, and therefore using, the system.
  • Faults wholly preventing the functionality of significant parts of the system.
  • Slowness and performance issues that make significant parts of the system unusable for performing day to day tasks.

Downtime does not include:

  • Minor faults that do not wholly or materially affect the overall functionality of the system.
  • Slowness and performance issues that do not make the system unusable for day to day tasks.
  • Issues related to integrations with third party systems or external applications.
  • Any features or areas of the system clearly identified as pilot, alpha, beta, early access, or similar.
  • External network problems outside of our reasonable control (for example, poor mobile or WiFi service), or faults from your Internet Service Provider.
  • Visual or User Interface issues that do not significantly impair the functionality of the system.


This is the measure of time that our system is working as expected (i.e. is not experiencing Downtime). We are committed to maintain an uptime of at least 99%.

Scheduled Downtime (Maintenance)

Whenever possible, scheduled updates, maintenance and changes will be conducted in a manner that does not affect the usability of the system. Where this is not possible, we will always give at least 48 hours notice and try to work at a time that is least disruptive to customers. Scheduled downtime contributes to the total calculation of our downtime, and as such we are committed to keeping this below 1%

Response Time

Our head office is based in the UK and we are available to work on issues during our business hours of 9am to 5pm, Western European Time. We will always respond to issues within one business day.


We will always try to give you accurate information regarding the current status of the system and details and updates on any downtime. Please note that our monitoring system may not capture repeated service disruptions that are shorter than 5 minutes. For downtime which we do not think is likely to affect you (for example, where it was very short or occurred outside of customer business hours) we may not communicate directly.

For downtime which we believe may have affected you (for example, where we have evidence your users were trying to use the system at the time, or it occurred at a peak time) we will contact you directly.

Service Credit

A “Service Credit” is a number of free days of service added to the end of the then current term. For each percentage point of downtime below 99% within a billing month, customers are given one free day of service credit for that month. The percentage points are rounded up to the nearest full number and the service credit will be applied to the invoice of that month.

  • For customers on an unlimited plan, the value of the free day of service will be a 5% credit on the monthly invoice for each day of service credit.
  • For customers with day rate plans, the value of the free day of service will be based on the day with the highest number of billable users the customer had in that month. Example: If the day with the highest number of billable users was 5 billable users, the customer will be given a credit of 5 billable user days for each day of service credit.