
Insights & Resources

The latest news, insights, resources, & events.

Success story

Did You Hear That Pin Drop? Improving the Efficiency and Accessibility of Plant Collections Management

Managing 44,000 plants across 3,000 species was no small feat for the Indianapolis Zoo, but adopting Hortis in 2024 transformed their approach. It has helped them streamline data management, improved collaboration, and opened new opportunities to enhance plant conservation and visitor engagement.

Scott Sullivan
November 26th, 2024
Success story

From Root Ball to Cloud

The Muiderslot Castle’s centuries-old gardens are home to rare, historic plants, carefully cultivated since the seventeenth century. With a desire to preserve this “living heritage,” garden director Henk Boers and his team have embarked on a journey to digitally document every plant in the collection. Through the “From Root Ball to Cloud” project, the team has adopted innovative botanical software to protect and share this unique legacy, blending tradition with modern technology to enhance the visitor experience and connect future generations to the past.

Manuela Hoepman
November 14th, 2024
Success story

From oaks to aviaries: How Micke Grove Zoo’s plant records have grown with Hortis

As we continue celebrating the stories of our diverse users, we delve into the world of zoo horticulture at Micke Grove Zoo, a charming haven located within the picturesque Micke Grove Park in California. Dr Avanti Mallapur, Zoo Curator, shares her insights and experiences on how Hortis has helped their approach to plant management and conservation.

Avanti Mallapur, PhD
July 17th, 2024
Success story

Thriving through change: How Hortis has helped our plant records at Hertfordshire Zoo

In the latest entry of our blog series, we hear about the journey at Hertfordshire Zoo, a family-run institution nestled in the scenic Broxbourne Woods of Hertfordshire, UK. Matt Berridge, Deputy Head Gardener, shares his story.

Matt Berridge
June 13th, 2024
Success story

Making Plant Records Useful Again: A Wave Hill Success Story

In the latest installment of our blog post series, we delve into the Hortis success story at Wave Hill, a renowned public garden nestled in Riverdale, Bronx, NY. Authored by Wave Hill staff (Jess Brey, Ruth Rea Howell Senior Horticultural Interpreter, and Steven Conaway, PhD, Associate Director of Horticulture), the article details the transformative journey undertaken by Wave Hill in resurrecting their plant records.

Jess Brey
January 23rd, 2024
Success story

Plant records and more: Sculpture by the Lakes achieves prestigious botanic garden accreditation

In our third blogpost in a series commemorating the achievements of Hortis gardens, we travel to the UK, where Sculpture by the Lakes in Dorset joins just 83 gardens worldwide with official Botanic Garden status.

Waheed Arshad, PhD
September 20th, 2023
Success story

Paving the way to a world-class botanic garden: James Cook University's Hortis Success Story

In this second instalment of our blogpost series, we continue our journey into the remarkable successes of Hortis gardens worldwide. Today, we hear from Brandan Espe, Environmental Officer/Supervisor, Grounds at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, about the power of accurate record-keeping and its profound impact on their collection management.

Brandan Espe
July 12th, 2023
Success story

Transforming Record-keeping: Tohono Chul’s Hortis Success Story

Our new blogpost series focuses on the successes of gardens around the world. We invite Hortis gardens to share their experiences with the community, and to help inspire more gardens to improve their record-keeping.

Jamie Maslyn Larson
March 7th, 2023